In The Good Old Days (1969)

Don't Let It Trouble Your Mind lyrics - Dolly Parton

Our love affair is bitter sweet
Insecure and incomplete
And I've often wondered why your leaving's been so long delayed
It's all become so complicated
Maybe you feel obligated
And out of simpathy for me you stay
But I had rather live alone
Than live with someone who doesn't love me
And I'd rather have you go than stay
And put me down a thinkin' you're above me
Our love affair is so wound up
It's best that we unwind
And if you don't love me, leave me
And don't let it trouble your mind

You've waited much too long to leave afraid of how I'd take it
And I'm deeply touched by your concern but I think I can make it
It won't be easy for a while but I'll forget in time
And if you don't love me, leave me and don't let it trouble your mind

I had rather live alone
Than live with someone who doesn't love me
And I'd rather have you go than stay
And put me down a-thinkin' you're above me
Our love affair is so wound up
It's best that we unwind
And if you don't love me, leave me
And don't let it trouble your mind

He's A Go Getter lyrics - Dolly Parton

He's a go getter, go getter
When his wife gets off from work, he'll go get her
Now I've got a neighbor that lives down the road a ways
His wife holds down a steady job, he don't turn his hand all day
I know that most of you will know the kind I'm talkin' about
The kind that rather than have to work, he'd rather do without

But he's a go getter, a go getter
When his wife gets off from work, he'll go get her

There's a group of men in the court house yard any time that you go by
Playin' checkers and tradin' odds and makin' jokes about their wives
They wait all week for pay day and they hold the money's plenty
And the wife that's worked those long hard hours never gets a penny

But he's a go getter, a go getter
When his wife gets off from work, he'll go get her
Yes he's a go getter, a go getter
When his wife gets off from work, he'll go get her
He's a go getter, a go getter
When his wife gets off from work, he'll go get her

In The Good Old Days (When Times Were Bad) lyrics - Dolly Parton

We'd get up before sun-up to get the work done up
We'd work in the fields till the sun had gone down
We've stood and we've cried as we helplessly watched
A hailstorm a' beatin' our crops to the ground
We've gone to bed hungry many nights in the past
In the good old days when times were bad

No amount of money could buy from me
The memories that I have of then
No amount of money could pay me
To go back and live through it again

I've seen daddy's hands break open and bleed
And I've seen him work till he's stiff as a board
An' I've seen momma layin' in suffer and sickness
In need of a doctor we couldn't afford
Anything at all was more than we had
In the good old days when times were bad

We've got up before and found ice on the floor
Where the wind would blow snow through the cracks in the wall
And I couldn't enjoy then, havin' a boyfriend
I had nothing decent to wear at all
So I long for a love that I never had
In the good old days when times were bad

No amount of money could buy from me
The memories that I have of then
No amount of money could pay me
To go back and live through it again

In the good old days when times were bad
In the good old days when times were bad

It's My Time lyrics - Dolly Parton

It's my time
Gather round girls
You I grew up with
My old friends that I used to scuff with
Need you round me
At this time
You've all had your turn to cry
An old friend stood closely by
Friends of mine
Stand by me
'Cause it's my time
It's my time
It's my time
It's my time to cry
Mm mm mmm
It's my time to cry
Oh oh oh oh
It's my turn to cry yeah
It's my time

Gather round boys
I used to play house with
Come here boys
I first kissed on the mouth with
Need your tender words so kind
You've all had your misty eyes
An old friend stood by to dry
Friends of mine
Stand by me
'Cause it's my time

It's my time
It's my time
It's my time to cry
Whoa whoa
It's my time to cry yeah
It's my turn to cry mmm

It's my time
It's my time
It's my time to cry mmmm

Harper Valley P.T.A. lyrics - Dolly Parton

I want to tell you all a story 'bout a Harper Valley widow wife
Who had a teenage daughter that attended Harper Valley Junior High
Well her daughter came home one afternoon and didn't even stop to play
And she said, "Mama, I've got a note here from the Harper Valley PTA"
Well the note says "Mrs. Johnson, you're wearing your dresses way too high
It's been reported you've been drinkin' and a runnin' round with men and goin' wild
Now we don't believe you ought to be a bringin' up your little girl this way"
And it was signed by the Secretary, Harper Valley PTA

Well it happened that the PTA was gonna meet that very afternoon
And boy, were they surprised as Mrs. Johnson wore her miniskirt into the room
And as she walked up to the blackboard I can still recall the word she had to say
She said "I'd like to address this meeting of the Harper Valley PTA

Now there's Bobby Taylor sittin' there and seven times he's asked me for a date
And Mrs. Taylor sure seems to use a lot of ice whenever he's away
And Mr. Baker can you tell us why your secretary had to leave this town
And shouldn't widow Jones be told to keep her window shades all pulled completely down

Now Mr. Harper couldn't be here 'cause he's stayed too long in Kelly's bar again
And if you smell Shirley Thompson's breath you'll find she's had a little nip of gin
And then you have the nerve to tell me as a mother you think that I ain't fit
Well this is just a little Payton place and you're all Harper Valley hypocrits

Now I wouldn't put you on because it really did, it happened just this way
That day my Mama socked it to the Harper Valley PTA
That day my Mama socked it to 'em at the Harper Valley PTA

Little Bird lyrics - Dolly Parton

Beauty is a rare perfume
Precious, yet doesn't last long
Youth is but a playful breeze
That blows our way once then moves on
Love is a hidden treasure
Some never find where it lies
And memory is a little bird
Flies through life, live or dies

Little bird
Take me aboard your beautiful wings and let me fly
Fly me away back to yesterday
And drop me off there awhile

Let me smell the rare perfume of the sweet flower of beauty again
Let me run in the playful breeze of youth long gone with the wind
Let me sit for awhile by the place where I found the treasure of love
Then sing me a song as you fly me along on our long last journey above

Mine lyrics - Dolly Parton

A little white house with black wooden shadows
A porch with its columns all covered with vine
My broken dream house where he lives with another
But this was supposed to be mine
Two little children that look like their daddy
With the same smile and the same eyes that shine
The only thing wrong I'm not their mommy
But they were supposed to be mine

He's given to her what he promised to me
The plans that we made never can be
For each night he holds and carresses another
And she is supposed to be me

He's given to her what he promised to me
The plans that we made never can be
For each night he holds and carresses another
And she is supposed to be me

And he is supposed to be mine

The Carroll County Accident lyrics - Dolly Parton

Carroll County's pointed out as kind of square
The biggest thing that happens is the county fair
And I guess that's why it seemed like such a big event
What we all call the Carroll County accident
The wreck was on the highway just inside the line
Walter Browning lost his life and for a time
It seemed that Mary Ellen Jones would surely die
But she lived long enough for her to testify

Now Walter Browning was a happy married man
And he wore a golden wedding ring upon his hand
But it was gone nobody knew just where it went
He'd lost it in the Carroll County accident

Mary Ellen testified he flagged her down
Said he was sick and could she drive him into town
And no one even doubted what she said was true
Cause she was well respected in the county too

Now I went down to see the wreck like all the rest
The bloody seats, the broken glass, the tangled mess
But I found something no one else had even seen
Behind the dash in Mary's crumpled up machine

A little matchbox circled by a rubberband
And inside the ring from Walter Browning's hand
And it took a while to figure out just what it meant
The truth about the Carroll County accident

By dark of night I dropped the ring into a well
And I took a sacred oath that I would never tell
The secret of the Carroll County accident
Cause the county ordered dad a marble monument

I lost him in the Carroll County accident

Fresh Out Of Forgiveness lyrics - Dolly Parton

Don't tell me you're sorry for thing you caused me
And from from now on you'll be true
And don't don't you ask me to forgive you again I'm fresh out of forgiveness for you

Now I, I gave you everything I knew how to give
Now I've done done everything you've ever asked me to do
But even even a fool gets so tired being fool I'm fresh out of forgiveness for you

No I I can't I just can't I can't forgive you this time if I did oh I know you do
Well you're just too just too wrong and you hurt me hurt me again
And I'm fresh out of forgiveness for you I'm fresh out of forgiveness for you

Mama Say A Prayer lyrics - Dolly Parton

The bright lights of the city are a pretty site to see
Perhaps they're extra pretty to a country girl like me
Temptation waits at every turn and it won't let me be
So mama when you pray tonight
Say a special prayer for me
I miss your tender good-night kiss of love and understanding
The good-night kisses I get now are cruel and so demanding
So mama when you pray tonight
And while you're on your knees
Mama say a special prayer for me

The nights get cold and lonely
When you're faraway from home
And lonely makes it easy for a good girl to go wrong
Evil eyes search through the night for lonely girls like me
So mama when you pray tonight
Say a special prayer for me

I miss your tender good-night kiss of love and understanding
These good-night kisses I get now are cruel and so demanding
So mama when you pray tonight
And while you're on your knees
Mama say a special prayer for me

Always The First Time lyrics - Dolly Parton

Now I've never stepped through the doors of a barroom or tasted the flavor of wine
And I've never danced to the songs on a jukebox or held someone that wasn't mine

But there's always the first time and if you don't change
Then I guess the first time can't be arranged can't be arranged


Now I've never dressed for the eyes of the stranger to sow seeds of lust in his mind
And I've never walked down backroad of temptation to leave dirty footprints behind
But there's always the first time...

D-I-V-O-R-C-E lyrics - Dolly Parton

Our little boy is four years old and quite a little man
So we spell out the words we don't want him to understand
Like T-O-Y or maybe S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E
But the words we're hiding from him now
Tear the heart right out of me.

Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E becomes final today
Me and little J-O-E will be goin' away
I love you both and it will be pure H-E double L for me
Oh, I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

Watch him smile, he thinks it Christmas
Or his 5th Birthday
And he thinks C-U-S-T-O-D-Y spells fun or play
I spell out all the hurtin' words
And I turn my head when I speak
'Cause I can't spell away this hurt
That's drippin' down my cheek.

Our D-I-V-O-R-C-E becomes final today
Me and little J-O-E will be goin' away
I love you both and it will be pure H-E double L for me
Oh, I wish that we could stop this D-I-V-O-R-C-E.
